Sunday, November 15, 2009

Prayer to Avoid Purgatory

"... while we need to certainly pray for the dead,

we must pray for a good death, too.

We need to pray for a good death

not just for ourselves but for everyone,

especially those whom we know and love."

~ Fr S, Clerical Reform blog ~


O merciful Jesus,

by Your sorrowful passion and by that love which you have for me,

I beg You to cancel the punishments I deserve

in this life or the next because of my many sins.

Grant me, O Lord, a spirit of penance and purity of conscience.

Strengthen me to avoid every deliberate venial sin

and grant me the dispositions necessary to gain indulgences.

I resolve to help the Holy Souls in Purgatory with suffrages as much as I can.

And You, O infinite Goodness,

infuse into my soul ever greater fervor,

so that when my soul is separated from the bonds of my body,

it may be admitted into heaven to contemplate you forever. Amen.

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