Sunday, July 25, 2010

St. Padre Pio: God's Will in Remembering or Forgetting To Pray for Certain Persons

"The Lord only allows me to recall those persons and things He wants me to remember. On several occasions, our merciful Lord has suggested to me people whom I have never known or even heard of, for the sole purpose of having me present them to Him and intercede for them, whereupon He never fails to answer my poor, feeble prayers. On the other hand, when Jesus doesn't want to answer me, he makes me actually forget to pray for those persons for whom I had firmly decided and intended to pray."

~ St. Padre Pio ~

Why is it that I pray for you with less fervor than I pray for others and that often I forget to recommend you?

"Do not trouble yourself about that. It is a punishment for me. Even if you prayed more I should not be any the more relieved. God wills it thus. If He wants you to pray more He will inspire you to do so. I repeat again, do not be worried about me. You will never see me in my sufferings. Later on, when your soul is stronger, you will see souls in Purgatory and very awful ones, but let this not frighten you. God will then give you the necessary courage and all that you need to accomplish His holy will."

~ Sr. M.G., a deceased nun answering a question from Sr. M. de L. C.,
from An Unpublished Manuscript on Puratory ~

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